Journey through Digital Transformation: An exploration in Transport & Logistics

Journey through Digital Transformation: An exploration in Transport & Logistics

Article Digital Business & Innovation Data & AI

In the dynamic realm of transport and logistics, my fascination with Data & AI has grown into a personal pivotal narrative. My inspiring conversations with my direct Data & AI colleague Emilio, a real thought leader on this subject in the Transport & Logistics industry, really resonated this week.

Discussing his thoughts on the T&L industry, it unfolded as a journey, where I’ve come to appreciate the transformative power of adopting a business-centric approach to data analytics in other industries. My observation transcends traditional silos, placing emphasis on strategic application and how it has become the compass guiding decision-making, optimizing operations, and fueling the growth of endeavors in our work field. Not only in Transport & Logistics, though; I’ve seen this personally in many industries.

Challenges arise when the technical realm leads data initiatives, causing setbacks and a disconnect from my business goals. This realization prompts a pivotal shift—a business-led digitalization. It takes charge, steering digital efforts to align seamlessly with the strategic objectives of the board. This shift empowers our customers to make agile decisions, fostering innovation, and cultivating collaboration between the technical and business teams. So, we start with a value proposition goal as a starting point. The stake in the ground where both technical and business can focus on.

To propel this transformation, I learned to adopt strategic manoeuvres such as forming cross-functional teams, setting clear project objectives, embracing agile methodologies, investing in data literacy, and establishing shared OKRs (Yes, no KPIs, but that’s another chapter I will come back to in a later article). These strategies ensure a more profound alignment with the business goals and magnify the impact of strong value-based data analytics initiatives.

The narrative unfolds with our customer success stories, crafted with Eraneos as a key ally. Each chapter, from unveiling event-driven insights for urban mobility to orchestrating strategic spare parts optimization, reflects my commitment to harnessing the power of data analytics. Eraneos emerges as a trusted partner, navigating this transformative journey hand in hand.

To conclude with an invitation—an invitation for others to join me on this expedition. I extend a personal invitation to explore, innovate, and evolve together. Let’s embark on this journey of digitalization, where we stand ready to offer strategic consultation, craft customized solutions, and provide unwavering support. As the transport and logistics sector continues its evolution, let us not merely adapt but thrive, steering our businesses forward in the digital age.

Again stated, our goal as Eraneos is that you will end our contract as soon as possible. Then you are able to do it yourself.

This article first appeared on Pascal’s LinkedIn page. You can check it out here.

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Pascal Greuter
By Pascal Greuter
Associate Partner – Data & AI

28 Feb 2024
Knowledge Hub overview