Digital Strategy

Digital projects normally start organically, with individual initiatives spring up around the organisation. These initiatives are unlikely to trigger strategic change. A digital strategy ensures that digitalisation is working towards a bigger strategic picture.


Digitalisation projects are everywhere, yet these projects are neither aligned with each other nor do they contribute towards the organisations’ strategy. How can organisations ensure that they’re focusing their scarce resources on the right digitalisation projects that will drive them towards their bigger strategic picture?  

Organisations are digitalising, whether consciously or unconsciously.

From organically grown digital projects to lasting digital change

Digital projects nearly always grow organically, with the focus on the digitalisation of existing processes. This makes sense: a manager can drive digitalisation within their area of responsibility without having to engage in company-wide coordination. This means individual initiatives will spring up all over the organisation. Yet these projects are unlikely to be coordinated and will have a tough time triggering strategic change.  

Strategic projects cause profound, lasting changes. It’s hard to coordinate the different interests, which is why strategic projects need support from the very top of the organisation. Companies have strategies for this very reason; the same is true for digitalisation. Long-lasting digital change requires a digital strategy developed with the whole organisation, driven by the senior management. 

Developing digital strategies

Eraneos’ digital strategy process (paper available in German) enables organisations to develop a complete picture of their digitalisation efforts and ensure that these are contributing to the organisation’s strategy. Our method takes you from discovery of your current projects right through to a rolling programme of implementation, to ensure that digitalisation has lasting impact.

In the first phase, we begin by finding out what digital projects there are within the organisation. Through a combination of deskwork, interviews, and workshops, we sniff out all the digital projects lurking in the organisation.
Then we help our clients to understand the new possibilities that digitalisation offers their organisation. We help them look beyond the digitalisation of existing process and into new business models, products, and services.

To help guide our work together, we classify digitalisation initiatives into four groups:

When we begin developing digital strategies with our clients, we find that almost all projects are in the digitalisation of production and processes. Occasionally, we find clients are investing in the customer experience.

We help our clients to understand the new possibilities that digitalisation offers their organisation. We help them look behind the digitalisation of existing process and into new business models, products and services.

Making it happen

We help our clients operationalise their digital strategy by developing a detailed digital roadmap for the most highly prioritised strategic ideas, detailing out individual projects for each of them.

To implement the roadmap, we build a programme organisation that can drive the transformation, keeping track of each project and making sure that the digital strategy is realised.

The best digital strategy is no use if it isn’t implemented.

It’s unlikely that the digital strategy can be quickly implemented. The programme will need to react to changes both within and outside the organisation over many years. Thus, we help our clients develop a repeatable agile strategy process to regularly take stock of their progress and ensure they both stay on track and respond to their organisation’s needs.


Focus your organisation’s digitalisation.

Digitalisation is already everywhere in every organisation. Get your organisation’s digitalisation on track to deliver strategic change by contacting our specialists.  

Eraneos Switzerland Kirsten Buffo de Jong

Kirsten Buffo de Jong


Transportation & Logistics | Retail & Consumer Goods | Manufacturing

Organizational Excellence & Transformation

+41 58 123 93 60 LinkedIn

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