Energy & Utilities

Creating a solid digital strategy to ensure uninterrupted supply for consumers and businesses during periods of turbulence.

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Flicking the Switch

With the increasing decentralization, decarbonization and digitalization of the energy system, a disruptive change is taking place. In recent years, energy utilities have begun to optimize their business processes, diversify their activities and seek out new service fields. The transformation is in full swing. As an independent consulting company and established partner of the energy industry, Eraneos supports you on this journey.

Anticipating demand

Energy providers are being forced to realign their traditional business models. New strategies and services, portfolio adjustments, the expansion of the core business, and appropriate cooperation are essential measures for transforming today’s energy supplier into a successful service provider.

Energy companies should anticipate and actively address new demands in times of change.

Keeping the lights on

Future-first ambitions within the energy and utility sectors tend to focus more strongly on customer benefits and strive to achieve both cost reductions and efficiency gains through optimized business processes. At the same time, security of supply must be guaranteed at all times.
Pragmatism must play a key role when energy firms are looking to modernize in terms of people, process and technology. After all, what’s the point of investing heavily in, for example, data activation only to discover that your organization is not yet ready to act on the obtained insights? A shared way of working and clear leadership are essential if energy and utilities are to combine the various elements that contribute to a well-performing business case. 

Digital transformation in the energy & utilities sector

We support and advise energy and utility companies in developing their strategies and optimizing their operating model with regard to organization, business processes and the IT landscape, as well as the leveraging of data to optimize processes and meet customer needs.

Strategic Transformation

From the creation of a corporate strategy to the development of smart business models and the implementation of new industry concepts, we accompany utility firms on their exciting, new journey.

IT 4.0

We help utilities transform their IT into a business enabler. Current hot topics include target architectures, data management, bi-modal IT organizations and customer-centricity.


Crises and risk management have unfortunately become an integral part of day-to-day business for energy and utility firms. The handling and management of crises and risks, business and IT continuity, as well as the strengthening of the defense system and cybersecurity, are part of our core services.

Analytics & AI

We enable our customers to benefit from data-based decision-making, process automation and product development. In doing so, we leverage IoT and sensor technology, alongside the monitoring of energy generators, grid infrastructure, storage solutions, consumers and any other devices.

Business Analysis & Project Management

Numerous projects revolve around the implementation of new industry solutions as well as the execution of complex procurements. This starts with Business Analysis, continues with the successful evaluation of new solutions and ends with highly competent and qualitative project management

Our Impact

Eraneos helps energy and utility firms create a solid digital transformation strategy to ensure uninterrupted supply for consumers and businesses.

Get Inspired

For expert insights into digital transformation, cutting-edge technologies, research and more, visit our Knowledge Hub.

Eraneos Whitepaper - Doing Digital for Impact

Market Research

Doing Digital for Impact | International Study

Eraneos Whitepaper - Customer Centricity


Customer Centricity

Eraneos Whitepaper - Künstliche Intelligenz


#4U | Artificial Intelligence

DevOps Governance & Management


DevOps Governance & Management

Eraneos Whitepaper: Echten Mehrwert erreichen mit Data Analytics & AI


Data Analytics & AI Study

Six Steps for Leaders to Build Lean and Agile Teams


Six Steps for Leaders to Build Lean and Agile Teams

Let’s create sustainable change together.

Eraneos Switzerland Schmuel Holles

Schmuel Holles


Energy & Utilities

+41 58 411 95 63 LinkedIn