Eraneos Whitepaper - Customer Centricity

Customer Centricity

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The consistent orientation of the organisation towards customers has far-reaching consequences and encompasses all areas of the company: from product development, sales and service provision to after-sales. The basis is the Customer Journey with all points of contact between the customer and the company. Customer Centricity has to be deeply anchored in the DNA of the organisation and must be lived by all employees.

The consistent orientation of the organisation towards customers has far-reaching consequences and encompasses all areas of the company.

With digital transformation, customer centricity can and must be implemented to a completely different degree. Information technology provides the necessary tools to design the customer interface and gain a holistic view of customers and interactions. It also enables the production and optimization of tailor-made products and services in small batch sizes.

In this FOKUS issue (available in German or French), we explain what we mean by “Customer Centricity” on the basis of various theses. Exciting interviews with Mr. Roland Brack, founder and owner of Competec, and Mr. Mark Jacob, Managing Director of Dolder Hotel AG, on “Customer Centricity” conclude our new publication.

“Our reality as a company is the way the customer sees us.
how the customer perceives us.”

What is Customer Centricity?

By customer centricity we mean a mindset in which the company is systematically customer-oriented. It encompasses all areas of the company and must be firmly anchored in the company’s culture and in the thoughts and actions of its employees. Customer centricity methods, such as design thinking, customer journey or persona, complement existing management systems and support the implementation of customer centricity in the company.



Customer Centricity

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