The Challenge
The goal was for Schiphol Trade Park to better regulate the power supply to its business park. In practice, there was a shortage of power transport capacity, which meant new companies had to install their own power supplies, which was usually less environmentally friendly than using the supply via the grid. In order to realize this, necessary contracts were needed between the various parties and in particular with the suppliers of electricity (Liander) and the balancing system (technology company Spectral). Eraneos was asked to help with this, helping the company to conclude contracts with its chain partners.
“The support of Eraneos in consistently articulating the various contracts and safeguarding the competitive sharpness in the service level agreements helped in concluding all agreements”
The approach
Eraneos shaped the content of the contracts between the park’s chain partners. This included the functional description, SLAs, and agreements on management, security, and business continuity.
Schiphol Trade Park (ECOS) is located in the heart of the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area and has the ambition to be the most sustainable and innovative business park in Europe. It does this by applying circular principles in area development. In addition to sustainability requirements, companies that establish themselves at Schiphol Trade Park meet high-quality requirements in areas such as nature inclusivity, biodiversity, ecology, and living environment. Schiphol contributes to the transition to a more circular economy. Schiphol Trade Park was BREAAM certified in 2014. In collaboration with Madaster and suppliers, they were also the first business park in the world to produce a materials passport for area development in 2019.
The result
Through the formation of Schiphol Trade Park Energy Cooperative (ECOS), more companies can use a collective energy supply, taking advantage of existing connections and supporting each other with power from solar panels and batteries. And if there is too little capacity on the grid for all companies collectively, the use of gas generators is only needed in exceptional cases.
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