European Mobility Provider

Mastering Innovative App Development for European Mobility Provider

The Challenge

Delivering high quality digital products within time and budget when strategic visions differ is challenging. Changing scope leads to increased in timelines and costs and can also result in frustration within the developing teams. Realising this, a European shared mobility provider asked Eraneos to facilitate communication, provide insights and transparency on the development progress and consult on prioritising features to define and design a well-rounded, modern app to replace and exceed their current digital touchpoints.

Programme managing and strategically guiding the development of a new app to deliver a desirable product with time and budget.

The Approach

Conducting interviews and observing the team to understand analyse the status quo quickly led to a range of areas for improvement. Leveraging our long expertise in delivering agile product development projects from a technical, product ownership and strategic design expertise, we defined measure to continuously improve current processes, increase transparency and define most valuable yet manageable scope within time and budget.

Managing the app development programme for a European shared mobility provider.

The Result

Throughout the project, we introduced and follow-up on a variety of measures, including sprint reporting and analysis, status updates and strategy feature concepts for decision making. In addition, we developed a set of lessons learned, to support ongoing projects as well as defining the set-up of future projects.

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Digital Business & Innovation