Study on Digital Transformation in the Public Sector
Why do some countries do digital better than others? This was our starting point as we began initiating this study at the end
of 2021. We are a consultancy whose business is shaping digital transformation in several European countries, and, in 2021, we
were seeking a deeper understanding of the factors that help transformation initiatives succeed.
What is this “New Thinking” and how does it work?
Quite simply, in terms of this study, it is the intentional act of creating a thriving environment for the needed changes to take root and grow. It builds on the in-
sight that digital transformations in the public sector need to happen at multiple levels, especially at the levels of system & policy and organization & ecosystem.
The good news is, that our study provides a practical guide for stakeholders and decision makers to follow at all government levels. Roles and responsibilities are
presented along with a set of requirements and tasks, thereby ensuring the common goal of generating public value, and with it, meeting public expectations.
“Governments of different creeds are struggling – and frequently failing – to meet the expectations of citizens, as evidenced by a lack of confidence in government institutions and events in recent political history.
New thinking is needed to address changes in technology, media, and public expectations.”
Executive Chair of the International School for Government, and former
Australian Foreign Minister and High Commissioner to the UK
Management Summary
IT has become a part of politics.
A new type of business-minded leader drives digital transformation.
Organizational complexity is a drag.
Read in our Management Summary more about the findings or consult our complete study that is directed at politicians as well as at managers working for public sector organizations.
The Extended Management Summary is also available in French or German.