Platform for Digital Banking

Whitepaper Technology & Platforms

In the financial sector, digital disruption is no longer a buzzword but a paradigm shift. New technologies such as blockchain, robotic process automation and artificial intelligence have impacted core banking operations. Fintechs often have the upper hand in adopting such technology because of their greenfield approach, but larger players have advantages in terms of access to resources and branding. Facing a scenario of complex technological solutions, big data, multiple parties and higher compliance pressure, banks of today need to rethink their operating models and sourcing strategies to meet the needs of tomorrow. With some many new technological developments and changing market dynamics, it can be a challenge to be on top of the latest developments and ensure that your digital and sourcing strategies deliver as much value as possible.

In this whitepaper, Eraneos offers a condensed overview of the latest trends and some of the lead suppliers within digital and banking. By reading this whitepaper, financial managers and stakeholders within banking can get throughout overview of what digital banking means today and validate or even update their current digital strategies.



Platform for Digital Banking

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