Eraneos Group continues growth trajectory, spurred by collaboration across global locations

Press release

Zurich, 02. April 2024 – Eraneos Group continues on its successful path despite challenging market conditions. The international consulting company for technology and digital transformation recorded revenues of 260 million Euro in 2023, representing a growth rate of 17.7% compared to the previous year. Key factors were intensified group-wide collaboration and the strategic expansion of the service portfolio, particularly in the areas of Data & AI and Cyber Security.

Last year’s robust financial results confirm the business model of the Eraneos Group, which was founded in 2021. After the formal merger of Ginkgo Management Consulting, Quint Group and AWK Group to form the Eraneos Group and the complete rebranding in 2022, 2023 was the first full year of operation as an international consultancy. The focus was on continuously strengthening the cooperation between the various locations and actively sharing internal expertise. At the beginning of 2023, strategic acquisitions in Germany further expanded Eraneos’ service portfolio. DCP and W21 brought valuable expertise in the financial services sector to the Group. The merger with SMP and Convalid Analytics also enabled the expansion of strategy consulting in the energy, insurance, banking and telecommunications sectors.

Local strenghts,global success

In order to be able to respond even more specifically to client needs, a group-wide alignment along the core competencies Strategy & M&A, Cyber Security & Privacy, Data & AI, Digital Business & Innovation, Organizational Excellence & Transformation, Sourcing Advisory, IT Advisory and Technology & Platforms was achieved in the past year. In parallel, the company has hired internationally recognized experts to fill global leadership roles, such as Andrew de la Haije for Data & AI and Carlo Gebhardt for Cyber Security & Privacy. In the new setup, existing clients will benefit from an expanded service portfolio and project acquisitions can now be realized on a larger scale. The first international projects are already proving successful.

Joint client acquisition and broad-based digital transformation remain key objectives for the entire Group in the current year. As a result, Eraneos is aiming for sustained double-digit growth and intensified M&A activities in 2024.

“Over the past year, we have reached important milestones as a group. Our common corporate culture and focused strategic initiatives have helped us to foster global collaboration and deliver our first joint client projects. Our robust results prove that we can grow and succeed as a global team, even in a challenging market environment.”

Oliver Vaterlaus, CEO, Eraneos Group

Eraneos Switzerland successfully started into the new era, leveraging the international network in terms of expertise for our Swiss and international clients. Adrian Wägli, Managing Partner, says: “2023 has been a challenging year on the market, yet we were able to grow substantially in Life Sciences, Utilities, Logistics, Defense and Private Transport. Our clients value our services highly as proven by our Net Promoter Score and we successfully collaborated within our group organization to win major national and international transformation projects with innovative services e.g. based on (Gen)AI. We are also proud to have won five key Partner appointments, deepening our specialization in the financial services industry, IT Advisory and Cyber Security.”

Eraneos Germany experienced a solid 10% growth rate in 2023, with continued strong profitability. Bodo Forstmann, Managing Partner, says: “2023 is a year marked by significant success in terms of entering new industries such as Financial Services, Life Sciences and Energy & Utilities. All of this is the result of tremendous team effort and collaboration within Eraneos Group, including our new colleagues from DCP and SMP (recent acquisitions for Eraneos Germany). We feel privileged to be able to drive our excellence and growth ambition forward based on organic as well as inorganic efforts and leveraging the power of the Eraneos Group.”

Eraneos Netherlands & Spain fulfilled its transition to Eraneos in 2023. Maurice Boon, Managing Partner, says: “The past year saw us become Eraneos, where we focused on building and leveraging a broader service portfolio on behalf of our clients. The introduction of both Cyber Security & Privacy and Organizational Excellence & Transformation advisory significantly expanded our footprint in our client base. Our focus on key clients increased our growth potential and created efficiencies. Our highly motivated local teams rated our transition to Eraneos with a powerful eNPS score of >30%.”

About Eraneos Group

Eraneos Group is an international management & technology consulting group providing digitalization and transformation services, from strategy development to implementation. It has emerged from the alliance of Ginkgo Management Consulting, Quint Group, and AWK Group, as announced in 2021, and with DCP and W21, in 2022, and SMP and Convalid in 2023. The Group serves clients across three continents where some 1,000 dedicated and highly skilled professionals work jointly to unleash the full potential of digital​. Services range from the development of digital business models and data analytics to cyber security, and from sourcing and IT advisory to the management of complex transformation projects. Eraneos Group has offices in Switzerland, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Austria, China, Singapore, and the USA. In 2023, Eraneos Group realized a turnover of over 260m EUR.


Eraneos Switzerland