
Successful Supervision of Tenders During the Carve-out of Sanquin Plasma Products

Eraneos supported SPP during the carve-out of all IT activities

The Challenge

Amsterdam-based plasma medicines company, Sanquin Plasma Products (SPP), came to Eraneos for help as it wanted to outsource as many IT activities as possible. Why? New strategic partners and investors were guaranteeing the availability and production of plasma medicines in the Netherlands. The company knew it had to be disconnected from Sanquin, and the entire IT environment would have to be split off. The main challenge, however, was that this carve-out had to be completed within two years and would therefore require quick decisions without losing sight of risks.

“SPP has made preparations in a very short time to split off its complex IT environment from Sanquin. The team has been professionally supported by Eraneos.”

Remmert Vosbergen, Vice President of Information Technology, SPP

The approach

Eraneos drew up an extensive transition plan to set up a new, future-proof IT environment for SPP. In this plan, we decided to direct the IT suppliers as much as possible and to organize as little internally as possible. So we planned to help SPP execute the tenders and approach suppliers. The focus in these tenders was to work in the cloud, using SaaS solutions, and a digital work environment.

The Amsterdam-based plasma medicines company processes blood plasma into various medicines for a large number of (life-threatening) diseases, such as clotting and immune disorders. And that important work not only saves lives, but the Netherlands also remains largely self-sufficient. SPP is an independent company and until the end of 2020 a subsidiary of the blood bank Sanquin.

The result

Since Eraneos stepped in to help, SPP has been able to accelerate the contracting of various outsourcing partners. With a lean and mean approach, all new tenders were completed within a record time of eight months, and current contracts were split by 90%.

While SPP has not yet completed this phase, the company is on schedule to complete an entire carve-out within its two-year goal.

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