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Sich ändernde Kundenbedürfnisse, neue Vertriebskanäle und technologische Innovationen prägen ein Umfeld, das von knappen Margen und intensivem Wettbewerb geprägt ist. Daraus ergeben sich sowohl Chancen als auch Risiken für Unternehmen des Einzelhandels und der Konsumgüterindustrie.
Eraneos supports its customers in designing solutions that address the dynamic requirements of customers and markets. Effective analysis and management of data across the entire value chain and sales channels are key for future success.
The future of the retail and consumer goods industries lies in providing their customers with the best customer experience. At Eraneos, we support our customers with our retail e-commerce experts, empowering them with the know-how and passion to successfully transform and embrace the digital future.
New technologies such as low-code platforms, headless architectures, cloud solutions, blockchain and virtual reality are driving innovative retail and consumer goods companies forward, resulting in new business models, services and products.
For retail, FMCG and e-commerce companies engaging with new trends like the digital information value chain, ERP & platform strategies, industry networks, and autonomous stores, Eraneos is your partner. We digitalize your organization and enable enhanced customer experiences.
We support and advise retail & consumer goods companies in developing their digital strategies and leveraging data to optimize processes and meet customer needs.
Our strong combination of industry-specific know-how and technological understanding has empowered multiple customers in the Real Estate space.
For expert insights into digital transformation, cutting-edge technologies, research and more, visit our Knowledge Hub.