Last week we had our first Petcha-Kucha-like gathering at our Anchormen office and it was a great start of a series to connect with colleagues we see less often than we like. We call it Re:Connect. We started with three short and inspiring presentations, followed by snacks and great conversations.
Re:Connect is our way to connect with our colleagues based on their passions, learnings and adventures inside and outside the company. Every month we organise the 3 x 5 minutes, 20 slides format as an excuse for people to meet new colleagues and rekindle existing friendships.
Our first presentation was from Jack Broer of Anchormen, talking about how he uses his background in automation by fully automating the climate control of his home. He created an Arduino based near-realtime system that guarantees circular energy usage. Pierre de Wit shared his journey through shaping Bundle, an innovative startup in the charity and donation space. Bundle has launched a new and fully integratable module in your banking app, where you can distribute some of your wealth in charities in a transparent and reoccurring way. Finally Peet Sneekes talked about his Design Thinking workshop at the Health and Business Week. It’s a way Eraneos attracts talent to work in their health practice.
Aside from the content, as any growing company we don’t see much of the people outside of our practices and projects. In our company however, it is important to exchange our knowledge and experience and also find kinship on craftsmanship, interests and other passions. It makes us grow our interdisciplinary and cross industry approach in- and outside our company. This leads to better and more integrated solutions for our customers and more engaging projects for us.
Re:Connect is one of the ways to make sure we get out of our shell regularly and get a broader perspective of our organisation, people, passions and learn from the many important, exciting and sometimes tough projects we work on.
Honesty, inclusivity and the power of curiosity is the core of Re:Connect and all personal interaction somehow happen automagically. The Re:Connect team is excited to organise the next one and hope to keep you updated on the wonderful insights shared there.